How to Tell If Your Bite Is Off After a Filling or Crown

crown misalignment

While fillings and crowns aim to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of damaged teeth, these restorations may inadvertently disrupt your bite alignment. Bite misalignment, also called malocclusion, occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not meet correctly when you close your mouth. These irregularities can be uncomfortable and disrupt your ability to chew or speak properly. If the malocclusion is caused by a crown or filling, it may lead to various dental and oral health problems if left unaddressed.

At Union City Oral Surgery Group, we offer patient-centric treatments designed to prioritize your needs and comfort. Or surgeons and oral specialists are highly qualified in innovative and minimally-invasive treatments for various oral and maxillofacial conditions. We understand how painful and uncomfortable a misaligned bite can be, and we will work with you to develop a treatment method that helps you restore your harmonious and pain-free smile. 

5 Signs You May Have Malocclusion Due to a Filling or Crown

Sometimes, after getting a crown or filling, you will notice right away your bite feels off. You may feel a small nub on your tooth that wasn’t there before or notice that it doesn’t feel right when your teeth come together. However, some symptoms of malocclusion can be less obvious. Some signs of bite misalignment following a filling or crown procedure include the following:

Pressure on Surrounding Teeth

If your crown or filling is too wide, it can push on surrounding teeth. This might feel like pressure or pain in the teeth next to the crown. This pressure may increase when you bite, chew, or bring your jaws together for other reasons. Additionally, you may experience trouble flossing the teeth surrounding the crown or filling. 

Food Getting Stuck Near the Filling or Crown

On the other hand, your crown or filling may leave too much space between the neighboring teeth, creating bite issues. If you notice large bits of food becoming stuck in this space, it is essential to get the issue addressed. In addition to causing malocclusion, the extra space can trap food and bacteria, causing gum disease. 

The Crown or Filling Feels Loose

While all healthy teeth have a slight give, a loose crown or filling can cause severe oral health issues. Crowns should fit snugly on the tooth and should not move around more than your other teeth. If you get a filling, it should feel seamless with the rest of your tooth. If part of your tooth seems to shift when you chew or run your tongue across it, it may be loose. 

Painful Chewing

A new filling or crown should be a functional part of your bite. If your restoration is causing your teeth to connect sooner than they would normally, chewing may become painful. On the other hand, your filling or crown may be causing your teeth to barely connect or not connect at all. This can cause discomfort, and chewing food may take longer than usual. 

Irritated Gums

Poorly fitted crowns and fillings can lead to discomfort along your gum line due to pressure or trapped food particles. If you are experiencing gum inflammation with no apparent cause, your crown or filling may be the culprit. 

Schedule an Appointment With an Experienced Oral Surgeon Today

If you are experiencing bite misalignment after a crown or filling procedure, it is essential to contact an experienced oral specialist as soon as possible. The skilled oral surgeons at Union City Oral Surgery Group can help you get a perfect fit to protect your comfort and oral health. Our experienced medical professionals use the latest oral and maxillofacial surgery advancements to diagnose and treat malocclusion expertly. We aim to prioritize your needs through every step of your treatment journey. 

To schedule an appointment with a member of our team, call us at (201) 601-9262 or complete our contact form today.