Does a Sinus Lift Have Long-Term Effects?

surgeon preparing for a tooth implantation and sinus lifting

Whether a tooth is lost in an accident or through tooth extraction, sometimes the jawbone doesn’t have enough bone to sustain a dental implant making a sinus lift procedure necessary. Without a sufficient jawbone, dental implants cannot be securely placed, and an implant that is not secure cannot perform demanding tasks such as chewing.

Union City Oral Surgery Group is committed to bringing an exceptional experience to our clients. We take care to use the most up-to-date instruments and technology to create an entirely new surgical experience that is unique and personalized to our patient’s needs. Union City Oral Surgery Group is a practice based on integrity and will always make our patient’s needs our top priority.

Possible Sinus Lift Side Effects

Fortunately, serious and long-term side effects or complications in sinus lift procedures are rare. However, like with any surgery, there are always risks of complications. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign of sinus lift complications, and you should contact your surgeon immediately:

  • Swelling or pain that increases over time, or if the pain does not decrease after two days
  • A fever 
  • Bone-like material moves after sneezing or blowing your nose
  • Bleeding continues after a day or two
  • Bleeding is bright red and flows at a constant pace.

These symptoms can be a sign of the following complications:

Puncturing of the Sinus Membrane During Surgery

This complication is one of the most common during a sinus lift procedure. The surgeon should be able to patch or stitch up the punctured membrane and repair it. If the surgeon cannot do this, they may stop the surgery and allow the membrane to heal before they redo the surgery.

Sinus Infection

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. However, getting a sinus infection due to a sinus lift surgery is rare. The infection is usually caused by the materials used during surgery.

Wound Drainage

Drainage isn’t a huge threat and can typically be taken care of with irrigation techniques and antibiotics. 

Discoloration Under the Eyes 

Some patients experience discoloration under their eyes due to a collection of blood building up after surgery. This is typically the result of damage to blood vessels during surgery or improper care of the patient’s mouth after surgery. Hematomas can occur most often in older women, but they should clear up after two weeks. 

Implant Failure

On very rare occasions, the implant may not be able to connect with the bone material. This failure can also occur even without a sinus lift procedure with the natural bone of the patient’s jawbone.

How to Reduce the Risk of Complications

Sinus lifts have a low risk of complications. As long as patients are healthy, choose their surgeon wisely, and take proper care of themselves, they typically have nothing to worry about. While it is possible that some uncontrollable factors may cause sinus lift complications, there are some things that patients can do to reduce the risk of those complications, such as:

  • Picking an experienced and trusted surgeon
  • Following after-surgery care instructions carefully
  • Keeping mouth clean
  • Avoiding smoking 

Complications after a sinus lift surgery are typically low-risk. It’s rare for patients to run into any serious problems after or during this surgery. However, staying on top of your oral health is always important, and keep open communication with your oral surgeon

Schedule Your Sinus Lift at Union City Oral Surgery Group Today

Surgery of any kind can seem daunting and intimidating, and that’s understandable. At Union City Oral Surgery Group, we prioritize patient care and satisfaction and are here to answer any questions before, during, and after a procedure. We offer the best services, techniques, and equipment to ensure the best for our patients. Schedule an appointment today through our online contact form or call (201) 601-9262.