Why Choose a Dental Implant for a Beautiful and Healthy Smile? Your Oral Surgeon Has the Answers!

dental implants and your smile

Sometimes, despite our best care, we lose a tooth. If it is a front tooth, it will probably be a high priority for replacement. But if a missing tooth doesn’t show when we smile, what’s the hurry? Let’s look at the reasons why prompt replacement with an implant is always a good idea, no matter which tooth is involved.

  1. Appearance

Implants look like natural, individual teeth, but that is not the only aesthetic reason to replace a lost tooth. Without some type of tooth replacement, missing teeth can eventually affect the structure of our jawbones and change our facial appearance. Cheeks, lips, profiles—all are impacted by the changes in our bones resulting from tooth loss.

  1. Better Bite

Nature abhors a vacuum, and so do our teeth. When a space is left by a missing tooth, the teeth around the area can shift position, affecting the even pattern of our bite. And without a tooth to keep it in place, a tooth above or below the missing one might begin to grow longer to fill the void in your bite. This lengthening, in turn, can cause even more bite problems.

  1. Chewing

With the loss of only a single tooth, there is a negative impact on the remaining teeth. More pressure is placed on the other teeth in order to chew properly, front teeth not meant for chewing might be used for that purpose, or food is not chewed as thoroughly as it should be. The first two problems are not healthy for our teeth, and the last one is not healthy for digestion!

  1. Don’t Delay

Changes in bite and chewing problems probably won’t happen overnight, so is putting off the process really a big deal? It can be! Time is not on our side when a tooth is lost. The bone tissue which supports our teeth needs the stimulation of biting and chewing to stay healthy. Without that stimulation, the bone area under the missing tooth gradually shrinks. If there is not enough bone area left, you might need surgical bone grafting to achieve the right bone height to hold an implant, or it could lead to the impossibility of placing an implant at all.

  1. Expense

Replacing a lost tooth quickly requires less restoration of the gums and bone in the future and prevents other serious problems from developing.

We could continue through the alphabet, but instead, come talk to Dr. Herbst about all the reasons a tooth implant might be your best option. Oral surgeons have years of advanced surgical training, and specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions in the face, mouth, and jaw. Whether you have already lost a tooth, or if you have an extraction scheduled at our Union City, NJ office, we are uniquely qualified to recommend the best treatment plan to ensure your smile is beautiful, healthy, and complete!