If You Have Dental Anxiety, Let’s Talk About Your Sedation Options

if you have anxiety

Sometimes people feel a tiny bit nervous when they sit in the dental chair. And sometimes it’s more than a tiny bit. If your anxiety over oral surgery is leading you to postpone necessary wisdom tooth extraction, if worrying about an apicoectomy outweighs saving an infected tooth, if dreading an implant procedure means you would rather live with tooth loss than give us a call—give us a call! Sedation dentistry might be just the procedure you need to make dental anxiety a thing of the past.

Depending on your preferences, there are several levels of sedation Dr. Herbst can provide to make your visit more comfortable.

  • Minimal Sedation—this type of sedation leaves you calm and conscious, and you respond normally to verbal directions.
  • Moderate Sedation—sometimes called “conscious sedation,” this option will leave you awake, relaxed and able to follow directions, but you will probably have little memory of the procedure afterward.
  • Deep Sedation—a deeper level of sedation where you cannot be roused easily or respond to instructions. It is unlikely you will remember much or any of the dental treatment.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have four to six years of advanced education in hospital-based surgical residency programs following dental school. As part of their surgical studies, they train to administer and monitor all forms of anesthesia. Because anesthesia in all its varieties is a regular part of our practice, we have the medical knowledge and skill to provide you with a safe and comfortable sedation experience.

And we will prepare you with all the information you need to decide on any dental treatment, including sedation. We will describe the procedure in detail, and discuss any possible risks. If you have any health conditions or take any medications that might interfere with sedation, we can discuss your options with you and your doctor to make sure you are a good candidate. We will explain any preparations you should take, and let you know if there is a window of recovery time needed in our office while the sedation wears off.

Don’t let yourself suffer dental pain or discomfort because you suffer from dental anxiety! Please call our Union City, NJ office to discuss your sedation options. Whatever you choose oral, inhaled, or IV sedation, we are trained to administer your treatment gently and safely. Above all, we want to help you keep your smile the heathiest it can be, and that only happens with proper dental care. Let us work with you to make that care as comfortable and stress-free as possible.